Branded games
Bee is always ahead of the game(s). Especially when it comes to those where the main objective is to enhance brand recognition or to convey a brand-related message. With experience in creating mobile apps, full games and social media compatible set-ups there is practically nothing we cannot do. Playfully enhancing a brand message results in higher interest and loyalty to the brand itself. Getting audience acquainted with the brand on a low threshold is the future of online marketing. Bee has learned it’s not about pushing individuals in your direction, it’s about creating pull and making them never want to let go.

Van Helden Tic Tac Toe
Branded Games
Van Helden Tic Tac Toe Game

Vodafone – Road to London
Branded Games
Developing a flash game with a Android character as hero to introduce the applications available on the operating system.

Van Helden Tourspel
Branded Games
Van Helden Tourspel - Branded game based on the tour the france

Branded Games
Persil - A branded game: Engaging female fans with the brand in a laundry related activity.

Nike Egypt
Branded Games
Nike Egypt - Branded game campagn: First Crowdsourcing activation by a major brand in Egypt

Etisalat Facebook Game
Branded Games
Etisalat branded game designed for Facebook